Technique 8.11 Customer Feedback Checklist
Need to maintain connection with customers, ie use a feedback loop to understand in detail what the customers value and what staff can deliver better. Some relevant questions:
1. Would you recommend this organisation to a friend? Yes Maybe No
Give reasons for your answer............................................................................................................
2. What are the 5 most important "moments of truth" (points of contact that hold the greatest potential to delight or alienate customers)?
3. How frequently do staff and managers get customer feedback?
Frequency |
Yes |
No |
daily |
weekly |
fortnightly |
monthly |
quarterly |
6-monthly |
annually |
never |
4. Do customers know the impact of their feedback on improving services, products, performance, processes, etc? Yes No
5. Do you know what numbers of customers (including new customers) use your service and products?
Yes No
6. Can you put a dollar value on the answer to Q5? Yes No
(source: Rob Markey et al, 2010)