Change Implementation Techniques for Forming Transitional Team, Creating Alignment, Maximizing Connectedness and Creativity
Technique 3.14 Team Meeting Guidelines
Consider the following questions in relation to your team meeting:
Questions |
Answer |
Yes |
No |
1. Is there an agreed agenda for each meeting with time allocated for each agenda item? |
2. Is someone in the meeting in charge of time management, ie making sure that the agenda items and time allocations are followed? |
3. Does someone provide a reality check when discussions are going no-where, ie "spinning wheels"? |
4. Is only one person allowed to speak at a time? |
5. Are only group issues discussed; with non-group (including personal) issues handled elsewhere? |
6. Are all mobile phones turned off? |
7. Is there a healthy sense of humour displayed by all participants? |
8. Do all participants talk of "your" problem(s) being "our" problem(s)? |
9. Do participants treat feedback as being of value and worth? |
10. Are participants encouraged to express their point of view, irrespective of how different? |
11. Is an action plan (what, how, who & when) developed at the end of each meeting? |
12. Is the action plan reviewed at the start of each meeting? |
13. Is someone allocated the role of reviewing the "process" at the end of each meeting, ie what happened? |
14. If a disagreement or impasse happens, is it handled by agreeing to allow time at the next meeting to resolve it? *i |
i) If a disagreement or impasse occurs, the following questions may help resolve it
- what do we know for a fact?
- what do we sense is true, but have no data to support our impression?
- what don't we know?
- what is unknowable?
- are we starting from very different sets of assumptions? If yes, what are these assumptions?
- what needs to happen before we can consider alternatives?
- what are the alternatives?
- are there any possibilities/ideas/suggestions to clarify, in order to have a better understanding of and/or resolve the situation?
- are people willing to let go of their ideas so that they can be tested objectively?
NB If any of the answers are "no", then you need to improve your meeting guidelines.