Technique 4.3 Values Cards
Values convey our beliefs that influence our behaviour and determine the way we interact with others
To help determine the values of your organisation/community, etc that are practised now and what values should be practised, a set of value cards has been developed.
This tool uses around 140 separate and defined values cards; based on participants' perceptions of how the value is practised, each value card should be placed under one of the following headings
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Mostly/Always Practised |
Often Practised |
Sometimes Practised |
Seldom Practised |
Rarely/Never Practised |
The placement of the values is based on perception. If outside stakeholders are present, their perceptions could be different from internal stakeholders and are worth recording. When facilitating this tool with schools, it has been interesting to note that sometimes the teachers' and parents' perceptions vary quite markedly. This has always generated some lively and useful discussion.
There are some wild cards which are for any value that is important for your organisation/community but missing from around 140 alternatives.
After placing the values cards as practised in the relevant column, it is important to consider where would you place the value cards if the situation was ideal in your organization/community.
Value Cards
extra value cards
Imagination (spirit of creativity)
Discipline (spirit of responsibility)
Diligence (spirit of endeavour)
Preparation ( spirit of foresight)
Determination (spirit of optimism)
Humility (spirit of selflessness)
Integrity (spirit of honour)
Honesty (spirit of candour)
Dignity (spirit of respect)
Chivalry (spirit of consideration)
Loyalty (spirit of commitment)
Mischievous (impulsive, adventurous, risk seeking and limit testing)
Dutiful (compliant, conforming and eager to please others)
Sceptical (alert for signs of deceptive behaviour in others and takes action when it is protected)
Diligent (hard-working, detail orientated, high standards of performance herself and others)
Imaginative (innovative, creative, possibly eccentric and sometimes self absorbed)
Colourful (precarious, fun, entertaining and enjoying the spotlight)
Excitable (works with passion and enthusiasm but also easily frustrated, moody, irritable and inclined to give up on projects and people)
Bold (fearless, confident, self assured; expects to succeed and unable to admit mistakes or learn from experience)
Grit (staying power, ie resilience, persistence, determination, focus, passion, perseverance, directional consistency, stamina, temperament, stubborn, etc)
Fun (enjoying what you are doing)
Accomplishment (achieving what you set out to do)
Learning (encouraging lifelong intellectual, emotional and spiritual growth)
Diversity (acceptance, respect, tolerance and fair treatment of all people, including social justice and compassion)
Integrity (strength of character, honesty and courage with a strong moral code of behaviour)
Excellence (desire to produce one's best at all times while recognising both relative and absolute standards)
Sense of Community (notion of gratitude and giving back to the community; notion of being positive and productive members of society)
"...Balanced (understanding the importance of intellectual, physical and emotional balance to achieve personal well-being for yourself and others)
Caring (showing empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others)
Communicating (expressing yourself confidently and creatively in many ways)
Enquiring (have a natural curiosity and learn to acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research while showing independence in learning)
Knowledgeable (explore concepts, ideas and issues that have local and global significance)
Open-minded (understand and appreciate your own culture and personal histories, and are open to the perspectives, values and traditions of other individuals and communities)
Principled (act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for the dignity of the individual, groups and communities)
Risk-taking (approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and foresight, and have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas and strategies)
Reflective (give thoughtful consideration to your own learning and experience)
Thinking (exercise initiatives in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to recognise an approach complex problems and to make reasoned, ethical decisions)..."
Churchie, 2018
Spirituality (importance of human spirit which gives personal meaning to life)
(sources: Cynthia Scott et al, 1993; Attracta Lagan, 1995; NPSS, 2001; MFESB, 2001& 2002; Treasury Corporation Victoria, 2001; Towertrust, 2001; Janet Guyon, 2001; FEA, 2002; Oxford Dictionary, 1964; Hamel, 2001; Lawry Scandar, 1999; Land Transport Authority, 2005; Yosana Holdings, 2005; Danah Zohar et al, 2004; Peter Akers, 2005; Bob Goffee et al, 2006; Mike Hanley, 2007; Robyn Davidson, 2006; Chris Lowney, 2007; Churchie, 2015; AFRBoss, 2015)