Change Implementation Techniques for Laying a Foundation for New Ways

Technique 1.70 Understanding Losses and Endings

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Most resistance to change comes from the losses and endings that people experience with the change.


Question (include comments)


1. Identify who is losing what


2. Identify what is actually going to change

i) what are the secondary, tertiary etc changes that will occur?

ii) what are the cause and effect collisions?

iii) who is going to have to let go of something?


3. Accept the reality and importance of losses

i) loss is a subjective experience

ii) you need to understand these subjective losses and make decisions based on this understanding so that you will get people's commitment


4. Is there "over‐reaction"? (don't be surprised at "over‐reaction")


5. Are people reacting to losses, not necessarily to the changes

i) Are they reacting to past losses that have not been handled well? (not acknowledged or given the chance to grieve for past losses, as well as current losses)

ii) Is there over‐reaction to a small loss that is perceived as the first step in a process? (eg as lay‐offs start: "am I next?")

ii) Is their over‐reacting symbolic of a larger loss? (eg minor lay‐offs in an organisation that has never laid off staff before)


6. Is there a need to overtly deal with the underlying issues of the losses by acknowledging the losses openly and sympathetically?


7. Is there a need to bring losses out into the open?( ie acknowledge them and express your concern for the affected people)


8. Are some people loath to talk openly as they fear that it will "stir up trouble"? (this could bec inferred as you not knowing how to handle the issues, or worse, not caring about the pain that staff are feeling about the issue)


NB Remember: staff recover from losses more quickly if losses are openly discussed


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