. Linked with connectedness is performance.
. It is claimed that everyone brings to the job their own personal behavioural repertoire, which consists of 3 parts ‐ knowledge, capacity and motives.
- Knowledge is the know-how and know-why. It is what people bring to the job as a result of their education, training and experience.
- Capacity refers to the physical and mental abilities people have.
- Motives are based on an individual's values, beliefs, preferences, likes, dislikes, and so on.
. Employees require certain environmental supports in order to function effectively. In the case of a person's repertoire of behaviour, there are 3 environmental supports - information, instruments and incentives; people need
- Information about such matters as the goals and objectives of the business and their work group, what is expected of them, and how well they are doing.
- Instruments ‐ tools, techniques, technology, processes, procedures, work methods, organisational structure, and so on ‐ to help them perform their work efficiently and effectively.
- some monetary and/or non-monetary Incentives to perform the work.
. By combining the right repertoire of behaviour and the right environmental supports, such as those listed in the following table , one gets competent, even exemplary performance, such as
Gilbert's Behaviour Engineering Model
(sources: Thomas F. Gilbert, 1978 as quoted by Joseph Boyett et al, 1998)
i) PIP = performance improvement potential
. Take away some or all of the environmental supports or ignore the person's full range of behaviour, and you would create incompetence. A "behavioural model for creating incompetence" is summarised below