More on Cognitive Bias - Ten Troublesome Human Instincts or Cognitive Misconceptions cont. 10
10. Single perspective instinct (simple ideas are very attractive, eg singular causes and singular solutions, as they save the need for research and thinking; however, they don't necessarily represent reality; need to be curious; learn from people who have different points of view
"...rather than talking only to people who agree with you, or collecting examples that fit your ideas, see people who contradict you, disagree with you, and put forward different ideas as a great resource for understanding the world..."
Hans Rosling et al, 2018
This instinct is most commonly found in political ideology and with experts, ie professionals
- political ideology (generally, ideologues/activists tend to exaggerate the problem to which they have dedicated themselves and forget the progress made, ie
"...There has been progress in human rights, animal protection, women's education, climate awareness, catastrophe relief, and many other areas where activist raise awareness..."
Hans Rosling et al, 2018
- experts
The main limitation of experts, is that they are experts only within their own field or specialisation. Their knowledge outside their expertise is similar to the general population's.
"...great knowledge can interfere with an expert's ability to see what actually works. All these solutions are great at solving some problem, but none of them will solve all problems. It is better to look at the world in lots of different ways..."
Hans Rosling et al, 2018)