Framework 136 Spiral Dynamics
It is a framework for explaining evolutionary development of individuals, organisations and societies; it is about psychological development.
The word spiral is used to explain how the psychology of humans continuously unfolds, expands, oscillates, and emerges with changing trends and time plus its presence in nature like DNA double Helix
It has application in management theory and business ethics as it follows a specific pattern; with development in an infinite process. It
"...describes how value systems and worldwide views emerge from the interaction of life conditions and mind's capabilities..."
Wikipedia, 2022
It focuses on life's conditions as you progress through value systems; no level is inherently positive or negative; it is responsive to the local environment, and can be incremental or breakthrough.
"...Through these value system, groups at cultures structure their society and individuals integrate within. Each distinct set of values is developed as a response to solving the problems of the previous system..."
Wikipedia, 2022
The important question to ask is why a particular behaviour occurs in a certain value system.
"...The psychology of the mature human being is an unfolding, emergent, oscillating spiral process marked by progressive subordination of older, lower-order behaviour systems to newer, higher-order systems as an individual's existential problems change..."
Claire Graves as quoted by Ebrahim Haque Bhatti, 2020
Overview of the Levels
Tier | Colour code | Description | Attributes |
1 |
Beige | Survival-sense - Instinctive | - automatic, reflexive - centred around satisfaction - driven by deep brain programs, instinct and genetics - little awareness of self as a distinct need undifferentiated - lives 'off the land' much as other animals - minimal impact on or control over environment |
Purple |
KinSpirits - Clannish |
- obey desires of the mythical spirit being - show allegiance to elders, custom, clan - preserve sacred places, objects, rituals - bond together to endure and find safety - live in an enchanted, magical village - seek harmony with nature's power |
Red |
PowerGod |
- in the world of haves and have-nots, is good to be a have - avoid shame, defend reputation, be respected - gratify impulses and sense immediately - fight remorselessly and without guilt to break constraints - don't worry about consequences that may not occur |
Blue |
TruthForce- purposeful |
- finding meaning and purpose in living - sacrifice self to deferred reward - bring order and stability to all things - control impulsivity and respond to guilt - enforce principles of righteous living - divine plan assigns people to their places |
Orange |
StriveDrive- Strategic |
- strive for autonomy and independence - seek out 'the good life' and material abundance - progress through searching out the best solutions - enhanced living through science and technology - play to win and enjoy competition - learn through tried-and-true experience |
Green |
HumanBond - Relativistic |
- explore the inner beings of self and others - promote a sense of community and unity - share society's resources among all - liberate humans from greed and dogma - reach decisions through consensus - refresh spirituality and bring harmony |
2 |
Yellow |
FlexFlow - Systemic |
- accept the inevitability of nature's flows and forms - focus on functionality, competence, flexibility and spontaneity - find natural mix of conflicting 'truths' and 'uncertainties' - discover personal freedom without harm to others or excesses of self-interest - experience fullness of living on an earth of such diversity in multiple dimensions - demand integrative and open system |
Turquoise |
GlobalView - Holistic |
- blending and harmonising a strong collective of individuals - focus on the good of all living entities as integrated systems - expand use of human brain/mind tools and competencies - self is part of larger, conscious, spiritual whole that always serves self - global networking seen as routine - acts for minimalist living so less actually is more |
Coral |
Unknown |
Unknown..." |
(source: Wikipedia, 2022a)
Diagrammatical format
(source: Ebrahim Haque Bhatti, 2020)
Some Comments
- large-scale personal development and self-actualisation (many billions of people have lived before us; we learn from their mistakes; most violence occurs during the red stage, etc)
- traits of all stages (someone can incorporate characteristics of different stages at the same time, etc)
- stages can't be skipped (as we move from one state to another, we take the positives of that stage and leave the toxicity behind, ie transcending a stage and at the same time including it, etc)
- psychological level (
"...Human values have evolved a lot since the last 100,000 years. This model explains the change in values across societies, organisations, and individuals is not something arbitrary and random but is linear and predictable. Evolution is not merely biological. Our values, morality, beliefs, and psychology also evolve with time..."
Ebrahim Haque Bhatti, 2020
- irreversible process (the development of values is irreversible, ie move forward, not backward, over time, etc)
- society pulls up and down (whatever stage society or organisation is at will put enormous pressure on people to be in the same stage, etc)
- levels of cognitive development (at each stage your understanding and thinking about reality enlarges, ie you become more open-minded about others' perspectives and less defensive about your own perspective; tend to synergise older ways of thinking;
"...By continuous change, we open ourselves to more perspectives that open the door for self-development..."
Ebrahim Haque Bhatti, 2020)
- collectively and individually (people move up this file both individually and collectively; for individuals features like states, types, lines, etc are involved;
"...societies and countries, the process is slow and various other factors play a significant role in evolution that include economy, politics, technology, geography, etc..."
Ebrahim Haque Bhatti, 2020
NB better able to understand integration and connectedness of various variables
- more to come (the framework does not explain everything, ie more to come on stages, states, lines, types, factors, etc
i) states (
"...You can be either be waking, dreaming, experiencing various mystical states, meditative states, and emotional states..."
Ebrahim Haque Bhatti, 2020)
ii) types (they can be a way to categorise people on their personality types, ie
a) gender (masculine like goal-orientated, protective, assertiveness, rational, etc vs feminine like relationship-orientated, nurturing,, grateful, intuitive, etc)
b) 9 Enneagram personality types
c) 16 Myers Briggs personality types
d) left brain or right brain personality types
(for more details, see elsewhere in the Knowledge Base)
"...masculinity at red may produce the worst criminals, while femininity at green can provide great leaders. Feminism at stage green will be completely different from feminism at stage red..."
Ebrahim Haque Bhatti, 2020)
iii) lines (
"... A person at a particular stage of spiral dynamics can have different levels of cognitive, emotional, or moral development and can have different statuses of career, livelihood, health, diet, interpersonal relationships, IQ, spiritual, education, and metaphysical understanding that further increases the complexity of the model..."
Ebrahim Haque Bhatti, 2020)
iv) factors (different sets of conditions experienced in a lifetime shape your personality; some factors include genetics, IQ, childhood trauma, mental illness or disability, family, society, country, geography, etc)
v) tiers (first tier stages are absolutist about their values; second-tier considers the relative and synergises all perspectives, etc)
Modified Spiral Dynamics (includes quadrants, applied memetics, integral theory, etc to help understand the evolution of human psychology)
(source: Ebrahim Haque Bhatti, 2020)