Organisational Change Management Volume 1
Framework 36 Pyramid
This approach has been used to help understand sustainable development
"...The challenge of sustainable development creates unprecedented demands for learning, thinking, planning and decision-making. Economic, social, and environmental performance must be improved against a backdrop of one or more critical trends ... initiatives seeking to promote sustainability are often doing so under a sense of time urgency with limited resources..."
Alan Kisson as quoted by Karlson Hargroves et al, 2005
It involves
- multi-stakeholder engagement;
- using the pyramid as the framework and process for strategic planning
- a sequential thinking process that involves indicators, systems, innovation and strategy
Multi-stakeholder engagement
Stakeholders are defined as those who have an interest in a particular decision, as individuals or representatives of groups
Alternative phrases to describe it include multi-stakeholder dialogue, stakeholder forum, stakeholder consultation/discussion, etc
The process aims to bring all the major stakeholders together for communications, decision finding and decision-making
It emerges as there was a perceived need for more inclusive, effective methods of addressing urgent sustainability issues especially as conventional politics is increasingly unable to integrate broad-based, consensual policies, ie
"...we need common yet flexible guidelines and to learn from experience. Sustainable development is a mixed concept, comprising values such as environmental protection and equity and strategies as healthy for the economic growth, stakeholder involvement and global perspective. Based on scientific and empirical analysis, we can look at what has been proven to work to address certain problems and/or how we can combine various tools in an effective manner. Such a discourse will lead to suggesting strategies for bringing a multitude of perspectives into decision-making; listening to each other; and facilitating meetings. Arguing for a multi-stakeholder in this matter will lead to suggesting strategies which increase creative thinking, commitment to implementation and multiplying effects, in order to address problems such as resource depletion and human and environmental security..."
Helmati is quoted by Karson Hargroves et al, 2006
Some stakeholders will relate to shared values and a common normative vision; others need statistics that show that one approach will yield more success than another, etc
This approach uses values, experience and science to generate a more conscious and comprehensive dialogue
"...the problems do not go away just because we look away. Necessities don't disappear just because we become cynical. Haven't love (for each other and for our environment) and justice been preached for ages? Don't we know how painful war, poverty, disease, injustice and oppression are and how they destroy us and our societies?..."
Helmati is quoted by Karson Hargroves et al, 2006
It is a versatile process and strategic planning tool for accelerating sustainable development through multi-stakeholder engagement
"...process seeks to build a shared competency in trend analysis, systems thinking, strategic planning and consensus development..."
Karson Hargroves et al, 2006
It incorporates 2 frameworks:
i. The compass of sustainability (different dimensions of sustainability plus multi-stakeholder engagement)
ii. ISIS method (a logical thinking process that helps groups develop a more systematic and strategic understanding of sustainable development)
Compass of Sustainability
North Nature (ecological system and natural resources)
South Society (collective and institutional dimension of human civilization)
East Economy (process by which resources are allocated)
West Well-being (satisfaction and happiness of individual people)
Nature, society, economy and well-being depend on each other for existence
I = Indicators that reflect the critical elements in the system
S = Systems that are groups of discrete elements that work together as a whole; need to understand how the various elements work together
I = Innovation is the process of developing and introducing a change to a system, eg technology changes, change to rules, etc
S = Strategy is planning for the successful implementation of a desired change, eg using the most suitable tools
The ISIS method ensures the change initiatives
- are developed in consideration of all the relevant trends and issues;
- are targeted at those spots in a complex system where change is most likely to create the desired outcome, as well as other positive benefits;
- draw on the full range of possible alternatives, and the creative thinking of a diverse group;
- are grounded in real-world thinking about implementation
Karson Hargroves et al, 2006
Advantages of ISIS method
- encourages a focus on indicators that provide the widest possible range of available information and trends, especially in the longer term;
- encourages focus on complexity of multiple cause-and-effect relationships, especially the trends;
- gets to the causes rather than just focusing on the symptoms;
- identifies leverage points for creating beneficial change;
- encourages innovative thinking by using creative brainstorming;
- puts ideas to real-world test.
Diagram of Pyramid
"...after working through a process of developing Indicators, analysing Systems, selecting Innovations, and creating Strategies, the group must then agree to take action by multi-stakeholders partnerships ... Without full, shared agreement, implementation is not likely to occur..."
Karlson Hargroves, et al, 2005