Some Other Prototypes Can Lead to Pilot Runs and Launches

i) concept visualisation (aiming to convey the essence of innovation by developing logical and emotional attachment by users to it; users understanding the intent and how it will look & feel; use inexpensive techniques; use it to get feedback from different stakeholders

ii) focused prototypes (need to answer the following questions:

- how much does it cost to develop a prototype?

- what types of interactions and transactions does it need to support?

- how will it connect to the  manufacturing and logistics systems you envision?

"...the key principle: concentrate on the aspects of innovation that are most important and most uncertain, and address them by building and testing focused prototypes that iteratively evolve in refinement and fidelity..."

Larry Keeley et al, 2013)

iii) functional prototypes (when uncertainty declines, this is the time to invest in functionality and build prototypes that can be tested through pilot runs, ie getting the detail right. This is still a pre-launch mode, ie have offerings ready for market but still preserve flexibility and adaptability)

iv) early-stage pilots (continue with iterations and experimentations that are focused, in-market tests designed to resolve uncertainty surrounding innovation and de-risk its development. Some pilots engage the best customers to exclusively test their innovations, ie

"...Giving them a sneak peek at what's next and ensuring they feel heard and valued..."

 Larry Keeley et al, 2013

In this phase you are simply trying to validate the value proposition of innovation and need to focus on flexibility and agility rather than scalability.

Best to start small, and build and test to maximise learning, ie what elements of your innovation can draw on existing assets and infrastructure, which elements will be need to be kept separate or built new, etc

v) late-stage pilots (based on successful validation of your innovation from early-stage pilot runs, expand the scope and scale of the pilot runs. Thoroughly test and refine what is needed from you and your organisation to deliver innovation to customers effectively, ie service infrastructure, sales representatives, systems, processes, etc.)

vi) launch (need to secure commitment from your organisation, in particular the leadership, that innovation is ready for launch so that the project continues to be resourced, ie people, finance, etc.

"... Remember that no value proposition lasts forever; you must generally refresh and expand or innovate over time..."

Larry Keeley et al, 2013


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