Framework 92 Organisational Change Management Guide for Developing Innovators and Leaders


When major transitions occur, the organisation needs to ensure that the operations run smoothly and the staff are on side with the change. They need to be prepared for disruption.

A detailed transformation plan is required so that organisations can assess progress and gather feedback along the way to check that it is achieving its desired milestones.
Linked with this is a positive work culture that includes trust and a supporting environment that is people-focused, ie encourage staff engagement, ownership, empowerment and satisfaction.

Need to understand, and minimise, the negative outcomes of change.

Some of the reasons for change include
"...- adapting new technology systems
    - solidifying new processes
    - integrating acquired businesses
    - restructuring departments and leaders..."

Maryville University, 2020

Planning the change (5 elements)

i) create a change team (needs to include a diverse range of staff who have credibility in the organisation and are change champions, ie
"...determine how the team will function, including assigning tasks and responsibilities to certain members, setting meeting times, and outlining communication methods. Team will establish the vision set the goals to be communicated across the organisation during change..."
Maryville University, 2020)

ii) assess the impact (some questions that need to be asked
"...How large is the change? How many departments will be impacted, and to what extent? What job roles will need to be updated? What expenses will be incurred?..."
Maryville University, 2020

Will the existing organisational structure and skill sets be able to handle change? If not what changes will be needed?)

iii) creating a timeline (includes milestones that measure success and identify potential barriers to progress)

iv) identify potential people issues
("...leaders must anticipate how workers might react to cultural or job changes, especially as workloads are increased. The adoption of new tools and processes can create major frustrations and require extensive managerial support.  Peer layoffs can also have a negative impact on remaining employees. Companies may need to use assessment tools, such as self-evaluations, determine workforce readiness. They may also need to set up coaching or counselling resources to make sure employees have the necessary psychological support needed to navigate the change..."
Maryville University, 2020)

v) notify key employees (need to have key management and staff onside before starting the change; encourage them to see the change as their change, ie have ownership of the change.)

Organisational change management strategies

Using a change team to develop the appropriate strategies that are both flexible and strong, ie


 Organizational change management strategies that help employees navigate change include positivity, purpose, and communication.
The important elements of any strategy with change:

- communicate honestly (staff need to understand and accept the reasons the change; having a sense of urgency owing to competitive challenges, changing customer needs, new technology, etc will help people understand the basis of the change.
"...Sugarcoating the reasons for a change and the challenges that will come will only alienate workers and create distrust..."
Maryville University, 2020)

- engage employees (they need to have ownership of the change, ie it is their change process; need to understand the benefits will outweigh the costs; staff need to feel involved, empowered, essential and supported during the change process; reward and recognition systems reflect the change process; continuous employee feedback is essential)

- show positivity (need to appeal to employees' positive emotions; create excitement around achieving milestones; create positive encouragement and inspiration; at the same time show empathy by recognising how anxiety and fatigue can negatively impact performance; managers need to control their anger and doubts)

- enact visionary change (provide staff with  
"...a clear picture of where the company has been and where it is going..."
Maryville University, 2020 

Staff need a sense of stability, ie past history and successes, and a purpose, ie where we are going.)   

- be persistent (generally change takes time and everyone needs to be prepared for the 'long haul'; at the same time, continually monitor and evaluate the transition to determine whether adjustments are needed)

(sources: Joey McDonald, 2020; Maryville University, 2020)


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