Section 12 - References and Acknowledgements - A

4AAA; (2019), Personal Communication

Aalto Entrepreneurialship Society; (2013), Embrace Failure, Report, (AFRBoss October 2013)

Aalto Entrepreneurialship Society; (2013), Embrace Failure

Abadee, Nicole; (2019), On Losing Sleep, (AFR Magazine August 2019)

Abbas, Tahir; (2022), 7 Rs of Change Management, (Change Management Insight)

Abboud, Leila; (2019), Life After Plastic, WeekendFin, (AFR November 23 - 24, 2019)

ABC News; (2000), GE Names Jack Welch Successor, (October 2000)

ABC News; (2014), Q & A (ABC September 2014)

ABC TV News; (2022), Vertical Farming, (February 17, 2022)

ABC; (2014), Q & A, (ABC TV, September 2014)

ABC; (2019), Should I Risk it, Catalyst, (ABCTV, October 2019)

ABC; (2019), Should I Risk it, Catalyst, (ABCTV, October 2019)

ABC; (2019a), Australia Talks, (ABCTV, October 2019)

ABC; (2019a), Australia Talks, (ABCTV, October 2019)

ABC; (2019b), Scenario Planning, Future Tense, (ABC National Radio, October 14, 2019)

ABC; (2019b), Scenario Planning, Future Tense, (ABC National Radio, October 14, 2019)

ABC; (2020), Amazon: what they know about us, 4 Corners, (ABCTV March 6, 2020)

ABC; (2023), News, (ABCTV, December 13, 2023)

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Abdallah, Ehssan & Ashish; (2016), There are 6 Crucial Components to Creating a Sustainable Growth, according to Gallup research, (Business Journal, May 2016)

Abernethy, Mark; (2007), Confusion Abounds When the Culture Becomes a Myth, Special Features, (AFR February 2, 2007)

Abernethy, Mark; (2007), Confusion Abounds When the Culture Becomes a Myth, Special Features, (AFR, February 2, 2007)

Abernethy, Mark; (2007), Know How to Measure Corporate Engagement, Special Feature, (AFR, February 2, 2007)

Abernethy, Mark; (2016), Solar Flair, Lifestyle, Leisure and Life, (AFR Luxury July 2016)

Abernethy, Mark; (2017), The Need for Speed, Luxury, Life & Leisure, (AFR, Autumn 2017)

Abernethy, Mark; (2018), Golden Fleece, Life & Leisure, (AFR Luxury, Winter, 2018)

Abraham, Raphael; (2019), How Having a Heart Attack Helped Antonio Banderas, WeekendFin, (AFR August 31 - September 1, 2019)

Abrahamson, Eric & Freedman, David H; (2007), A Perfect Mess: The Hidden Benefits of Disorder, (Little, Brown)

ABW; (2009), Take Responsibility, Run Your Own Enterprise, Mentors Manual, (Australian Business Week)

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Acemoglu, Daron & Robinson, James ; (2007), A Perfect Mess: The Hidden Benefits of Disorder, (Little, Brown)

Achor, Shawn; (2011), The Happy Secret to Better Work, (TedTalk, May 2011)

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Ackerman, Courtney, E; (2018a), Building Strong Self-belief: 16 tips and activities, (PositivePsychology)

Ackerman, Courtney; (2020), How to Measure Resilience with These 8 Resilience Scales, (Positive

Acumen Learning; (2021), Why Do We Teach the Five Business Driver Model, (Acumen Learning)

Adams, Phillip; (2009), Lifextra, (Week-end Australian Magazine, January 31 - February 1 2009)

Adams, Scott; (1996), The Dilbert Principle, (Harper Business)

Adolescence Success; (2022), Middle Years: learning that is fostering engagement and connection is key, Resource Guide, (Education Australia, September, 2022)

AFP; (2014), Uproar Over Apps, World News, (Fiji Times, June 13, 2014)

AFR Magazine; (2014), BRW Rich 200, (AFR Magazine, July 2014)

AFR Magazine; (2014a), Power, (AFR Magazine October 2014)

AFR Magazine; (2018), Watch, (AFR magazine August 2018)

AFR; (2010),Europe Contagion Fears Spooks Investors, Market Wrap, (AFR, May 6, 2010)

AFR; (2010a), Food For Thought, (AFR February 20 - 21, 2010)

AFR; (2013), Microsoft Needs a Strategy Reboot, (AFR, July 12, 2013)

AFR; (2013a), Microsoft Still Needs Windows, (AFR, September 6, 2013)

AFR; (2013b), Sectoral Power, (AFRMagazine, November 2013)

AFR; (2017), Microsoft Refocuses, Cuts Thousands of Jobs, Industry Evolution, World, (AFR July 8 - 9, 2017)

AFR; (2018), Financial Review Readership up 15%, (AFR August 10, 2018)

AFR; (2018), Financial Review Readership up 15%, (AFR August 10, 2018)

AFR; (2016), It's all in the Words, Think Again, WeekendFin (AFR May 28 -29, 2016)

AFR; (2016a), Think Again, Weekend Fin (AFR June 25-26, 2016)

AFR; (2021), A Word from the Editors, Platinum 70 Magazine, (AFR, August 20, 2021)

AFR; (2023), Best Places to Work, Special Report, (AFRBoss, April 21, 2023)

AFRBoss; (2000), CC Titleholders

AFRBoss; (2000), CC. Title Holders quoting from Danny Samson & David Challis, Patterns of Excellence: Principles of Corporate Success (Prentice Hall, 1999) (AFRBoss, March 2000)

AFRBoss; (2000),The Fortune Tellers,Bookstore, (AFRBoss, March 2000)

AFRBoss; (2001), Fail Fast, Fail Cheap, (AFRBoss, February 2001)

AFRBoss; (2001), The Executive Canon, (AFRBoss, June 2001)

AFRBoss; (2004), Better Than the Best, (AFRBoss, April 2004)

AFRBoss; (2004a), Managing the Mood, (AFRBoss, April 2004)

AFRBoss; (2013), The Rapid Growth of Social Technologies, (AFRBoss, August 2013)

AFRBoss; (2013a), Let's Talk About Me, Report, (AFRBoss October 2013)

AFRBoss; (2014), Top 5 Tips to Remember a Name, Editor's note, (AFRBoss, March, 2014)

AFRBoss; (2015), Two Sides to the Leadership Coin, The Brief, (AFRBoss April, 2015)

AFRBoss; (2015a), Big End of Town Gets Social, The Brief, (AFRBoss, November 2015)

AFRBoss; (2015b), Name Game, The Brief, (AFRBoss, November 2015)

AFRBoss; (2016), Shared Value Champions, The Brief, (AFRBoss October 2016) AFR Magazine, (2016), Informed by Fashion, Watch, (August 2016, AFR Magazine)

AFRBoss; (2016), Shared Value Champions, The Brief, (AFRBoss October 2016)

AFRBoss; (2016), The Brief, (AFRBoss August 2016)

AFRBoss; (2016a), White Bread Corporate Australia Needs to Open its Networks, Roundtable, (AFRBoss October 2016)

Agile Change Leadership Institute; (2023), Sprint 12: rate your agile change leadership, (Agile Change Leadership Institute)

Ahmed, Pervaiz K; (1998), The Culture and Climate for Innovation, (European Journal of Innovation Management, vol. 1)

AICD & Cyber Security Research Centre; (2022), Cyber Security Governance Principles, (Australian Institute of Company Directors)

AIGI; (2023 ), Defining Governance, (AIGI)

AIM; (2000), Say What, (AIM, Management Today, January - February 2000)

AIM; (2002), Think Tank, (AIM, Management Today, May 2002)

Aitken, Don; (2007), The Culture of Bullying, Comment, (AFR, October 15, 2007)

Akers, Peter; (2005), Personal Communications

Alba, Davey & Adam Satariano; (2019), Cyber Troops and Troll Armies Keep Advancing, World, (AFR September 27, 2019)

Albert, Jane; (2017), The Producer, (AFR Magazine March 2017)

Alberts, Hugo; (2019), Decoding Emotions by Analysing Speech, Body and Face, (PositivePsychology)

Alberts, Hugo & Poole, Lucinda; (2019), Identifying False Beliefs and Emotion, (PositivePsychology)

Alberts, Hugo & Poole, Lucinda; (2023), Leaving the Comfort Zone, (PositivePsychology)

Alberts, Hugo & Poole, Lucinda; (2023a), Identify False Beliefs and Emotions, (PositivePsychology)

Albrecht, Karl; (1994), Customer Focus and Strategic Vision, (AIM Executive Seminar)

Albrecht, Karl; (2003), Organisational Intelligence in Action: The Power of Minds at Work, (AIM Seminar, June 2003)

Alda, Alan; (2016), The Importance of Communicating Science, (Australian National Press Club Address, March 2016)

Alexander, Helen & Blakely, Rhys ; (2014), Shoot Out, Review, (AFR October 3, 2014)

Al-Khouri, Ali M.; (2010), Improving Organisational Performance, Proceedings of the 18th Annual International Conference 2009, (The Association of Employment Practices and Principles (AEPP))

Allen, Max; (2017/18), King of Wine, WeekendFin, (AFR December 27, 2017 - January 1, 2018)

Allied Technologies Limited; (2005), Findings - Senior Executive Workshop, (Aurora Consulting Group)

Alloway, Tracey; (2014), P2P Lender Payoff Pokes Fun at Banks and Credit Cards, Financial Times, (AFR, October 24, 2014)

Altadonna, Nathan; (2023), Resistance to Change: how to overcome employee pushback, (Apty)

Alvesson, Mats & Spicer, Andre; (2016a), Smart People, Stupid Ideas, WeekendFin, (AFR June 18-19, 2016)

Alvesson, Mats & Spicer, André ;(2016), The Stupidity Paradox: The Power and Pitfalls of Functional Stupidity at Work, (Profile Books)

Aly, Waleed; Waleed's Wisdom, Navigate, Voyeur, (Virgin Australia August 2014)

Amabile, Teresa M & Kramer, Steven J. ; (2007), Inner Work Life, (Harvard Business Review, May 2007)

Amalite, Teresa; (1998), How to Kill Creativity, (Harvard Business Review, September - October 1998)

Amar, A D; Hentrich, Carsten & Hlupic, Vlatka; (2009), Easing Control Spurs Work Teams to Greater Heights, Work Space, (AFR, December 15, 2009)

Anderson, Fleur & Ramli, David; (2014), Metadata and Mega-problems, (AFR August 9 -10, 2014)

Anderson, Fleur; (2014), Big Data Bites Agencies, Perspective (AFR, February 1-2, 2014)

Anderson, Fleur; (2014a), Cost Cuts Don't Add Up, Features, (AFR, October 10, 2014)

Anderson, Fleur; (2015), Murdoch Frank and Unfiltered, News, (AFR January 31-February 1, 2015)

Anderson, Fleur; (2015a), Future Tense, Perspective, (AFR February 21-22, 2015)

Anderson, Julian; (2016), Ding Ding, (AFRMagazine March 2016)

Anderson, Linda & Anderson, Dean; (2021), The Change of Leader's Roadmap: how to navigate complexities of your organisation's transformation, (Being First)

Anderson, Linda Ackerman; (2022), Accelerate Leader Commitment and Stakeholder Engagement: 5 key people strategies, (BeingFIRST)

Anderson, Linda Ackerman; (2023), 5 Key Process Strategies to Launch and Sustain Transformational Change, (BeingFIRST)

Anderson, Scott; (2023), 6 Notable Shifts in Best Practices in Change Management, (Prosci)

Andrew, Michael; (2010), Work-ready Skills Crucial, Education, (AFR, May 10, 2010)

Angus, Daniel; (2017), President's Report, (May newsletter, SEBCC)

Ann M. Brewer; (1995), Change Management: Strategies for Australian Organisations, (Allen & Unwin)

Annese, Lisa; (2015), War on Waste of Talent, The Brief, (AFRBoss, November 2015)

Ante, Spencer; (2004), Big Blue Puts Icon on the Block, (AFR, December 7, 2004)

Anthon, Vivienne; (2004), Laughter and the Bottom Line, (Personal Development Network, AIM)

ANZ Society Geriatric Medicine; (2012), Health in Retirement, Retirement Preparation, (QSuper)

Apella, Igacio; (2017), Are You Afraid of Losing Your Job to Automation, (World Bank)

App Builder Online; (2016), Personal Communications, (19 October 2016)

App Builder; (2017), 5 ways for Effective Distribution of Your App, (App builder online)

App Builder; (2017), 5 ways for Effective Distribution of Your App, (App builder online)

Appleyard, Bryan; (2014), Against the Machines, WeekendFin, (AFR September 20 - 21, 2014)

Arevolo DeAzevedo Filho, Walder & Latham, Lou ; (2006), Key Reasons Why You Should Consider a "Learning by Gaming", (Gartner Strategy)

Argenti, John; (1992), Practical Corporate Planning, (Routledge)

Armstrong, Robert; Ralph, Oliver & Platt, Eric; (2019), Too Big to Win, WeekendFin (AFR April 27 - 28, 2019)

Arnold, Nell; (2003), Personal Communications

Arthur, Charles; (2011), Shape of Things to Come at Apple, Perspective, (AFR August 27 - 28, 2011)

Ashford, Carole; (2021), We're Introducing AI: it's just another technology implementation, right, Insights, (ManageHR, October 5, 2021)

Ashkenas, Rod; (2011),The 'Reply all' Email is a Ticking Time Bomb, Work Place, (AFR, July 19, 2011)

Ashley, Stacey; (2021), First Lead Yourself, (CMI webinar, November 2021)

Augustine, Norman; (1998) Reshaping an Industry: Lochheed Martin's Survival Story, Harvard Business Review on Change, (Harvard Business School Press)

Aulet, Bill; (2013), Disciplined Entrepreneurship: summary and review, (Wiley)

Aulet, Bill; (2013a), Disciplined Entrepreneurship: 24 steps to a successful start-up, (Wiley)

Aurora; (2000), Organisational Review of Cane-growers, (Aurora Consulting Group)

Austin, Sara; (2021), Effective Communications for Change Management: infro-graphics the transformative leadership, (Venngage)

Australasian Interim Executive Association; (2019), How to Create a Problem-solving Culture, (AIEA)

Australian Business Foundation; (2007), Soft Signals, (AFRBoss, January 2007)

Australian Farm Institute; (2020), Recognising On-farm Biodiversity Management, Phase 1, Research Report (Australian Farm Institute)

Australian Financial Review; (June 11 & October 1, 1996; July 4, 1997; March 10 & September 30, 1998; January 29, 1999; July 21 - 22, 2001)

Australian Government; (2023), Review of the Migration System, (Final report 2023, Department of Home Affairs)

Australian Government; (2023), More Good Days Wellness Wheel, (Australian Government)

Authers, John; (2020), Race for Vaccine Confronts Humanity with Moral Tests, Review, (AFR August 7, 2020)

Avent, Ryan; (2017), Where the Young Men Are, WeekendFin, (AFR March 25 - 26, 2017)

Axtell, Roger E; (1998), Gestures - The Do's and Taboos of Body Language Around the World (Wiley)

Aylmer, Sean; (2004), Fast Forward, (AFRBoss, May 2004)

Aylmer, Sean; (2004a), Loss-making PCs had no Future at IBM, (AFR, December 10, 2004)

Aylmer, Sean; (2005), Warm & Fuzzy, (AFRBoss, October 2005)

Aylmer, Sean; (2005a), The Vision Thing, (AFR Magazine, December 2005)

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