Indicators of peaking on S-curve
Some key indicators (12) of a product/service/organisation, etc already peaking on the S-curve are if the organisation
i) is not accepting new appropriate technological change(s)
ii) has preference for cosmetic changes rather than technological, eg changing colour of product
iii) becomes a maintainer of status quo and/or buying innovation rather than innovating themselves
iv) becomes a buyer of competitors, products/services, staff, etc
v) becomes more bureaucratic (more about controlling, less flexible with more rules, regulation, increasing red tape, etc)
vi) becomes more silo focused with more specialisation, departmentalised, segmented, etc
vii) abuses their market power, eg anti-trust charges, etc
viii) becomes more complacent, ie satisfied with status quo
ix) one more players dominate the industry or market
x) implements significant staff lay-offs
xi) starts selling assets
xii) is written up as a successful product/service or organisation.
"... Even something that has had a long-term success is only a knife edge away from failure..."
Steven Lowry as quoted by Jemima Whyte 2015
Some additional comments on the above indicators
Buying competitor or products/services/staff, etc from other innovative, successful organisations for market share, revenue, etc rather than innovating themselves like Apple's iTune buying Beats to keep its position in music industry and Microsoft buying Nokia to get into the mobile phone business, etc
Steven Lowry as quoted by Jemima Whyte, 2015